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St. Paul's - September 25, 2022 - Updates and Announcements
Good Day St. Paul's! Here are our weekly announcements! At the end of the bulletin you can find information on...
Asher Hébert
St. Paul’s Harvest Thanksgiving Service Oct. 9
We will be gathering food items, non perishables, which will be delivered to the food bank or the Edmonton Youth...
Asher Hébert
Cocoa Connections
We're starting something new in Kids' Club (aka Sunday School): Cocoa Connections! We all have our own unique...
Asher Hébert
St. Paul's - September 18, 2022 - Updates and Announcements
Good Day St. Paul's! Here are our weekly announcements! At the end of the bulletin you can find information on...
Asher Hébert
Voces Alegres Choir
Our very own Jodi P. is co-leading a new choir in Edmonton called Voces Alegres Choir. This will be a bilingual...
Asher Hébert
St. Paul's - September 11, 2022 - Updates and Announcements
Good Day St. Paul's! Here are our weekly announcements! At the end of the bulletin you can find information on...
Asher Hébert
Announcing St Paul’s Kids Crew!
With the support of a “Say ‘YES’ to Kids’ Grant from the AFC, we’re excited to announce St Paul’s Kids Crew! This...
Michelle Schurek
Letter Regarding Her Majesty The Queen
Thomas B., Interim Priest-In-Charge, has written a letter for the parish in regards to the passing of Her Majesty...
Asher Hébert
St. Paul's: September 4, 2022 - Updates and Announcements
Good Day St. Paul's! Here are our weekly announcements! At the end of the bulletin you can find information on...
Asher Hébert
Letter of Introduction
Rev. Thomas B., Interim Priest-In-Charge, has written a letter for the parish, introducing himself to our...
Asher Hébert
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