Your vestry at St. Paul’s meets once a month to oversee the business of the parish and make decisions on behalf of its members. We want to communicate clearly about what is going on in the parish and on vestry so that you know what’s going on and where we’re headed. Last month’s approved meeting minutes are available to read on the bulletin board in the lobby. Here are the highlights from this month’s meeting which happened on May 27th. If you have any questions or need more information, please talk to your People’s Warden (Gay G.),
any member of vestry, or the Rector (Rev. Myron).

  • Upcoming: June 16th is Father’s Day and Indigenous Sunday. Also Myron’s time off.
  • Programs: Discussions of changes to Coffee Time. Approval of support for Bolivia and drafting an MOU. Approved some sound & livestream equipment mostly budgeted for.
  • Financials: We have a deficit of approx.. $56,000 relative to our planned budget.
  • Property: Discussed a need to attend to our Belfry and clearing out the pigeons. Looking to get quotes to update our alarm system and improve our security.
  • Vestry: Approved delaying visioning to include reports from Diocese. Jacky K. has resigned from her role on vestry and we are now looking for someone to fill that role.
  • The next vestry meeting is on Monday, June 24th