This past Saturday, St. Paul’s had a meeting about our experiences as a parish for the strategic planning for the Diocese. We had a good meeting and 16 people showed up. We discussed our parish through a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats). This was based on the online surveys that we encouraged our parishioners to do. We only had a limited number of survey responses (14). Our discussion & surveys do not necessarily accurately reflect the whole parish, though we want to express many thanks to all who have already contributed. The survey results are available in the lobby to see some of what was said. The Diocesan survey was analyzed with the themes of Discipleship, Diversity, Physical Resources, Social Supports, Financial Assets, and Human Assets; these themes are some of what we explored together on Saturday. The diocese will provide us with a report based off the data from the surveys and our meeting, which we expect to receive before the Fall.

Since St. Paul’s is also working through our own strategic planning process, the report we receive from the diocese will provide information for our own discernment and planning. Our Vestry is VERY interested to hear from as many of you as possible about what you think our SWOTs are. It is not too late for you to have your say, we need to hear from each of you about where God is calling us to; what you perceive as St Pauls’ Discipleship, Diversity, Physical Resources, Social Supports, Financial Assets, and Human Assets; and what you see are our Internal Strengths, Internal Weaknesses, External Opportunities, and External Threats. Please speak with your vestry members or email your thoughts to the Office or Rev. Myron.