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Update 3: The Cyangugu Diocese has prepared two short videos that highlight many activities that took place at the conferences we sponsored for their pastors and youth.
Pastors Conference:
Youth Conference:

Please continue to pray that the truths imparted at the conferences would have lasting benefits to the participants. 


Update 2: The conferences in Cyangugu wrapped up last week with positive reports from both. Over 70 pastors or lay readers attended the first and about 180 youth the second. Thank you for your prayers, and please continue to pray that what was taught will be shared and serve as an ongoing source of encouragement for all involved.

Update 1: The pastors' conference went well with over 70 in attendance. Continue to pray for the participants as they return to their villages and put into practice what they have learned.

St. Paul’s is sponsoring two conferences for Pastors and Youth in the Anglican diocese of Cyangugu, Rwanda on August 8-9 and August 11-13, respectively. The diocese and presenters have been assured of prayer support from St. Paul’s. Please pick up a brochure that explains the objectives of the conferences along with pray requests that will be relevant for the next few weeks.