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As we approach September 30, 2023, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, please take some time to reflect on the ways you have learned more about Indigenous, First Nations and Metis people here in Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton) over the last twelve months. Whether you read a book by an Indigenous author, participated in a celebration for National Indigenous Day in June, or helped out at one of the Indigenous facilities in the city, or something else, every little bit helps. We will observe Orange Shirt Day during our service on Sunday, September 24, 2023.

We are trying something new in our neighbourhood! For the next three months, St Paul’s will host a Community Dinner on the forth Saturday each month. These dinners will provide a warm and nutritious meal to our guests, as we invite neighbours of St Paul’s for a free meal. There are many ways to get involved, and your help is needed! Whether you can come in the morning to help make the food, in the early afternoon to set up the hall, or later in the afternoon to help serve the food and clean up, there are many opportunities to be part of this initiative. Our first meal is this coming Saturday, September 23, 2023. For more information, please talk to Rev. Myron or Michelle Schurek The Community Dinner description and volunteer sign up sheet are up in the church foyer.

We need your help with Safe Church! This is a policy with the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton that ensures all staff, clergy, and volunteers are properly screened and the safety of members in vulnerable sectors is protected. For more information, please visit HERE. Michelle Schurek is looking for a few parishioners to partner with, who can be the impartial parties to see this is done effectively and properly. This is also an opportunity to get to know others in the parish!