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WOW – we have just over 7 weeks until Advent starts! Once again we will be hosting a special gingerbread house night, with a shared meal too! It’s going to be a lot of fun. Mark your calendars – Friday, December 1! Now is the time to talk to Michelle Schurek if you have any other suggestions or requests for making this coming Advent a time of celebration for our wider church family!

We are trying something new in our neighbourhood! For the three months (September, October, November), St Paul’s will host a Community Dinner on the forth Saturday each month. These dinners will provide a warm and nutritious meal to our guests, as we invite neighbours of St Paul’s for a free meal. There are many ways to get involved, and your help is needed! Whether you can come in the morning to help make the food, in the early afternoon to set up the hall, or later in the afternoon to help serve the food and clean up, there are many opportunities to be part of this initiative. Our second meal is set for October 28, 2023. For more information, please talk to Rev. Myron or Michelle Schurek
The description and volunteer sign-up sheet are up in the church foyer.

LitFest is back again - nonfiction content comes to life! Avid readers connect with writers through a series of live & virtual events, great conversations, and immersive readings. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to interact with some of the best-selling, award-winning and emerging authors of books, magazines and films! For more information visit their website at Festival runs October 12-22, 2023.