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There are several organizations across Canada that give a unifying voice to the great diversity of Indigenous people. One of these is the Assembly of First Nations, a national organization representing the more than 900,000 First Nations people living in more than 600 First Nation communities in cities and towns across Canada. Their website includes things such as the Charter of the Assembly of First Nations, the Declaration of First Nations, a list of Provincial/Territorial Organizations and much, much more. You can familiarize yourself with some of the issues they identify as most pressing. Please visit

We are trying something new in our neighbourhood! In September, October, and November 2023, St Paul’s will host a Community Dinner on the fourth Saturday each month. These dinners will provide a warm and nutritious meal to our guests, as we invite neighbours of St Paul’s for a free meal. Our next meal is set for October 28, 2023. For more information, please talk to Rev. Myron or Michelle Schurek michelle@stpauls-anglican.caThe Community Dinner description and volunteer sign up sheet are up in the church foyer.

Laurier Heights Baptist Church presents Dr Blu, a blues band with a jazzy feel, on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 7:00pm. Through the playing of passionate variations of original Blues and Lite Jazz tunes, this band provides its audience with the right combination of vocal and instrumental tunes, along with a great balance of song background and storytelling. There is no charge for admission, and donations for the band are appreciated. Please visit for more information. Laurier Heights Baptist Church is located at 8505 142 Street NW.

SAVE THE DATE: It's a long way off, but we have tentatively confirmed our St Paul's Church Retreat for April 5-7, 2024! Please mark it on your calendar so you are sure to be there.