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WOW – we have just over 8 weeks until Advent starts! Once again we will be hosting a special gingerbread house night, with a shared meal too! It’s going to be a lot of fun. Mark your calendars – Friday, December 1! Now is the time to talk to Michelle Schurek if you have any other suggestions or requests for making this coming Advent a time of celebration for our wider church family!

Did you know the Mustard Seed Edmonton had planned, in collaboration with private, provincial and federal support, to build a brand new supportive housing facility on Stony Plain Road at 155 St? It was originally set to open in September 2023, but the federal government backed out. It was to provide very necessary access to advocacy, housing supports, showers, laundry facilities and community-focused activities and events on Stony Plain Road. The Mustard Seed continues to seek out funding for this project, as their current facility at Stony Plain Road and 153 St can only provide one meal a day on weekdays and limited supports to low income and unhoused citizens. Our advocacy for this project is needed. Please talk with Michelle Schurek if you would like to learn more, and watch this space for periodic update.

Yesterday (Sept 30) was the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day has past, and you are invited to a new year of learning, support and growth in activities that encourage reconciliation. Please take a moment to fill out the “Cultural Awareness” challenge cards in the pews, and hang them on our string board at the back of the hall. Let’s encourage one another to continue our pursuit of reconciliation!  Please use the year ahead to learn more or participate in activities centered around First Nations, Inuit and Metis people. Watch for our monthly Reconciliation Awareness Focus over the next twelve months!