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 Don’t forget, Father’s Day is next Sunday, June 18! Our connections to fathers and fatherhood are varied, complex and personal. We invite you to take time this week to recognize any men in your life who have helped you on your journey.

June is National Indigenous History Month. Learning about Indigenous History is a life-long pursuit, as is the work of Reconciliation. The Art Gallery of Alberta is hosting several events including free admission on National Indigenous Day (visit HERE for more information), and free film screenings from Indigenous film makers. For the full calendar of AGA offerings this month, please visit HERE.

June is also National Pride Month. There are many events around Edmonton this month that you can be a part of. Visit for more information.

At the Parish Retreat last weekend, we were encouraged to share our life stories between generations. Sharing between generations is an important part of how we edify each other in faith. One resource that helps us reflect on stories we can share is from the website StoryCorps, called Great Questions, and it can be found HERE. It offers great questions for you to reflect on and share your answer with others. A copy of the questions is posted in the church foyer.